Logo Circolino Città Alta Bergamo



Cooperativa Città alta


On May 8th, 1981, in the neighborhood of Città Alta, a small Limited Cooperative was born, operating on the principle of mutualism without profit and with particular attention to retired and elderly individuals: thus, Cooperativa Città Alta was born.

Strongly desired by some residents of the neighborhood during a critical period for the local community: the exodus of several residents, the transformation of buildings towards a more touristy and commercial aspect, the advent of the university, and the closure of some artisan shops were changing the popular fabric of the historic center of Bergamo. Furthermore, the choice of bars not allowing the elderly to linger inside was generating serious issues in the village.

Over time, the workload increased because alongside the function of a simple bar, experimentation in catering was added. A happy and positive choice that over the years led the establishment itself to take on the precise appearance of a restaurant, without ever losing sight of its social purpose.

© Clara Mammana

Cooperativa Città Alta has grown, not only in numbers but above all in ideas, assuming the burden and honor of coordinating and managing the main social, welfare, educational, and community activities of the neighborhood, also within a valuable network collaboration with other agencies present.

With the profits from the catering business, services and collaborations are created to keep together, and sometimes mend, the fabric of a territory that is not destined to become a central suburb. Strengthening catering, improving its quality and profitability, for us means giving legs to the social and cultural projects we offer to the community.


